Saturday, June 27, 2009

Alive and kicking!

For those of you not in Utah Eric and I are in fact still alive. This is a "last few months wrap up": As spring semester ended Eric finished the course work for his Masters and now "only" has a thesis to write. First week of May Eric presented at a conference in Death Valley and Johanna and Jonathon got married! We got to see Whitney and Danny in Vegas. We hiked up a slot canyon in Kanaraville and made friends with a rattlesnake. Then my summer semester started. Eric presented at a regional GSA (Geological Society of America) conference at UVU as well as TAed for geology field camp for BYU. After interviewing a schizophrenic I flew home to watch Jonathon graduate High School and turn 18 all on the same day. I got a call with a job offer while at his graduation ceremony working for Heritage School in Provo. I said: ...YES! At the end of the conversation the HR director asked if I wanted to know how much the position paid... (sigh) the desperation of an unemployed student is not hard to miss these days. Haha It's a residential treatment boarding school for teenagers with behavioral disorders. I get to drive kids to and from the airport, to dentist appointments, court dates and to go shopping. It's kind of this amazing feeling to like where I work and also be able to put on a professional resume, instead of bagel shop experience. The same day I started at Heritage Eric had an interview, extended by invitation, here in Provo for a local petroleum exploration company. After applying for over 45+ jobs in four months the following day they offered him the position. Eric Parks: Petroleum Explorer. No better feeling to go from two people unemployed to both getting paychecks within our fields of study in a matter of days. We can't help but feel kind of lucky.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

We're back

We'll try to be better about posting stuff on here regularly. We were both pretty busy with classes for a while, but we there have been a few things that we've done that are post-worthy.