Sunday, August 29, 2010

August Anteloping

Dear Summer:

You are sneaky. You held such grand promise. Promise of productivity for personal projects. (Holy alliteration.) Promise of gentle warm sun. Promise of plentiful garden harvests. Promise of relaxing vacations.

The girls of 3LW can back me up here: I'm getting a little tired of your broken promises, promises.

I got through not even half of my summer projects. Utah summer sun is SWELTERING. I am sick of looking up recipes for zucchini. Family vacations make me gain weight. Some days you simply left me to a dark cool room, alone, to suck on an otter pop. Your heat drove my dog to sleep on the cool floor of the bathroom, by the toilet, where I would find him looking like an exhausted hungover teenager every morning.

You'd think that after living in Provo for four years I would learn to not be seduced by your awful winter with thoughts of your awful summer. Fall please rescue me. Please stay for more than two weeks this year before there is snow on Timp. Please help me save up my money for the boots that I really want and not spend it on silly things in the meantime. I don't care what Spring says about you, you are my favorite. Winter can have it's "cozy" cheer. Bah-humbug. That's only an euphemism for hermit yourself in your house breathing in cold virus contaminated circulated air. Summer, you make me sweat. I choose when I sweat, not you. Fall. Bring your changing leaves for me to crunch with my flip flops on evening walks when I need a sweater. THAT is cozy. Cozy crunchy. Yeah, bring that. And stay. At least for three weeks this year.



P.S. I only forgive you on evenings like this:

Or when I'm standing on a mountain and the wind is cooling me off like this:

Or when my eyes go all squinty in your brightness and all I can see is you making my husband look EXTRA special good:

oOOooo, or even both of us at the same time while standing in fabulously warm salty water that's perfect for rock skipping and has an unlimited supply of skippable rocks:

Only then, do I forgive you.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Static cling & name that movie

A humorously unfortunate mad grab from the laundry basket on the way out the door...

fashion fail - Static Cling
see more Poorly Dressed

Movie answer: Raising Arizona. (Isssa good one. Go watch it.)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Hail to the Chief

Broccoli from our garden. The community garden. Broccoli from our community garden that is dutifuly watched over by an old Indian Chief, named Lloyd, who sits in his folding chair in the northeast corner of the plot. Without fail he always happens to slip this in to our conversation with a wink and almost toothless grin when I see him:

C: I was telling my friends from the rez about my garden the other day.
S: Oh, yeah, what did you say?
C: I told them some nice white people gave me some of my land back.

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Dairy Scientist

Back from vacation conclusions:

1. Ate way too much food
2. Eric: "Wisconsin is like Pennsylvania with larger farms."
3. Visiting family is exhausting
4. University of Wisconsin-Madison has an entire building for Geological Science...
5. Chiggers suck
6. New baby cousins make the world go round
7. Poking around in county courthouses for family records is very educational
8. Listening to my grandpa tell stories about what we found... much more hilarious and informative
9. People should talk to their grandparents more
10. Eric is changing his major to dairy science. Blast you delectable, 140 calories a bite, squeakably fresh cheesecurds!
11. It was really bright this day apparently.
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